There are four ways to prompt in-product surveys within your website or product. Once you are ready to publish an in-product survey, you will see the following four options. The first two options, Page URL and CSS selector, require no coding to configure the setup, while the later two, Event and Manually via SDK API, involve additional line of tracking code to be inserted in the source code.
Page URL: You can provide a URL of a specific page where you want the survey to be prompted. Note that you can add as many URLs for a single survey by clicking + Add another URL option that is displayed.
CSS selector: You can prompt a survey when a user interacts with a specific element within a page. For example, you can select a certain div block or CTA button to trigger the survey.
Event: You can prompt a survey when a predefined event is triggered. Common examples of event triggers would be user sign ups or completing a purchase. Events can be flexibly defined as long as it is properly setup, but would require adding event tracking code Hubble.track(’eventName')
in the source code.
Manually via SDK API: You can prompt surveys manually displayed through the installed Hubble’s Javascript SDK. Inserting
with the survey ID in your source code will display the survey in the specified page or timing.
To learn more details of each trigger method, see below:
Using page URLs to connect surveys
Using CSS selectors to connect surveys
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