Unmoderated prototype tests are powerful tools that can empower product and UX teams to collect early design feedback from their users continuously through the product development lifecycle. Modern day product teams need to iterate and update their product at lightning speeds, so unmoderated prototype tests can serve as great ways for the team to test assumptions and collect user feedback at the prototype stage, before starting to build with engineers.
See a guided video about setting up unmoderated prototype tests.
Getting started
Get started by creating an un moderated study clicking on the create study button.
Select a template or start from scratch
Select any of the templates that are available or start from scratch. You can enter a name for your study (if you don't enter a name, the study will be named Start from scratch by default).
Welcome screen
Add a title to your study and include a message to your testers. This page will be the first page that your testers see, so make sure that it is clear and concise. You can also upload a company logo.
Record a welcome video (optional but recommended)
Add a welcome video introducing yourself and explaining the study. The video will be a great way for your testers will get a good understanding of the task and familiarize themselves with the purpose of the study.
Add a text statement
Text statements can be a great way for you to provide more background information on longer studies or studies that require more in-depth clarification. You can also add images to supplement the text.
Add a Figma prototype
Here comes one of the most important parts of building a concept test. Go to your Figma file and copy the link to the prototype. Make sure that you are copying the Figma prototype URL and not the Figma URL. This URL can be accessed by clicking on the play button located on the top right corner of your Figma app.
Once you copy the prototype link, paste it in the import box and click on the import button as you see below.
Depending on the size and the complexity of the prototype, importing may take up to 2 minutes. In order to create a smoother testing experience we do recommend creating separate prototypes for testing purposes. See our guide on optimizing prototypes for testing if you would like to learn more on how to optimize Figma prototypes for unmoderated tests.
After the importing is done, you can now set expected paths so that Hubble can track which exact path the testers went through during the testing experience. Creating an expected path is simple, you just have to click through the prototype to record the expected path. As you make clicks on the prototype, you will be able to see each of the frames show up on the bottom right. This will be important because we will be able to record the number of testers that are able to make it to each step and also record a click heat map on each screen.
Add additional details on the unmoderated prototype task
Add a description of the task as well as a detailed script of what to do using the prototype. The testers will read these instructions and try to follow them when they are going through the task. As an option, you can also record an introduction video so that your testers can hear directly from you before they get started on the test.
Record screen and enable audio / video
Toggle the switches to collect screen recordings as well as voice & webcam feedback. This will allow you to review the full recordings of the testers after they submit their responses.
Add follow-up questions
Add follow-up questions after the prototype task. Our template library this by providing boiler plate questions, but you can add any question to gage the usability and the overall quality of the prototype from your testers. Please consult our guide if you want tips and best practices on asking questions for unmoderated tests.
Also note that you can add logic flows to your questions so that you can create different question flows depending on the answers provided by the user.
Previewing your study
After you are done creating your unmoderated study, click on the preview button to view & interact with the study as if you were a tester. Close out any time if you need to go back to the editor and make any changes. Please note that answers recorded through the preview will not be recorded
Publishing your study
After previewing, you can publish your study by clicking on the publish button. Please remember that you cannot make changes or edit studies once they are published. Click on the confirmation button to publish the study so that you can start collecting responses from your testers!
Congratulations on creating your first study! Next up, we will cover sharing your study with testers and reviewing your results from prototype tests.
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